esempio di programma scritto con hypercard su Mac LC 475(in rosso quanto viene visualizzato)
go to cd 2
end mousedown
rivoluzione e asse parallelo
on mousedown
go to cd 3
end mousedown
Il programma descrive la rivoluzione della terra in un anno
attorno al sole
clic rivoluzione terrestre per attivare
clic rivoluzione e asse parallelo per variante
clic uscita per finire;
on mousedown
close wd
end mousedown
linea apsidale Afelio  Perielio equinozio 22/3
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
solstizio 21/6
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
equinozio 22/9
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
ìn solstizio 22/12
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
on mouseDOWN
end mouse
on mouseDOWN
IF (visible of cd fld"info") then set visible of cd fld "info" to false
set visible of cd fld "info" to true
end if
end mousedown
repeat with k=1 to 4
set hilite of cd btn k to false
end repeat
repeat with a=150 to 510
put a*3.14/180 into rad
put round(155*sin(rad)) into seno
put round(95*cos(rad)) into coseno
move cd grc"terra" to 206+seno,138+coseno
if a=150 then set hilite of cd btn 1 to true
if a=150 then wait 100
set hilite of cd btn 1 to false
if a=250 then set hilite of cd btn 2 to true
if a=250 then wait 100
set hilite of cd btn 2 to false
if a=270 then put "terra in afelio" into cd fld"testo"
if a=270 then wait 50
put "" into cd fld "testo"
if a=370 then set hilite of cd btn 3 to true
if a=370 then wait 100
set hilite of cd btn 3 to false
if a=440 then set hilite of cd btn 4 to true
if a=440 then wait 100
set hilite of cd btn 4 to false
if a=450 then put "terra in perielio" into cd fld "testo"
if a=450 then wait 50
put "" into cd fld "testo"
end repeat
end mousedown
Rivoluzione della terra in un anno
attorno al sole
Si evidenziano vari momenti:
Equinozio di primavera
Solstizio di giugno
Equinozio di autunno
Solstizio di dicembre
Passaggio all'afelio
Passaggio al perielio
Linea apsidale e apsidi
Linea equinoziale e solstiziale
orbita ellittica descritta da terra
linea apsidale Afelio Perielio equinozio 22/3
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
solstizio 21/6
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
equinozio 22/9
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
solstizio 22/12
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
on mouseDOWN
end mouseDOWN
on mouseDOWN
IF (visible of cd fld"info") then set visible of cd fld "info" to false
set visible of cd fld "info" to true
end if
end mousedown
on mousedown
ask "scrivi valore per pausa 10=breve..200=lunga"
put it into pausa
if it>200 then put 200 into pausa
repeat with k=1 to 4
set hilite of cd btn k to false
end repeat
repeat with a=150 to 510
put a*3.14/180 into rad
put round(155*sin(rad)) into seno
put round(95*cos(rad)) into coseno
move cd grc"terra2" to 206+seno,138+coseno
if a=150 then put "circolo illuminazione passa per poli" into cd fld"testo"
IF a=150 then move cd grc"te1" to 206+seno,138+coseno
if a=150 then set visible of cd grc"te1" TO TRUE
if a=150 then set hilite of cd btn 1 to true
if a=150 then wait pausa
put "" into cd fld "testo"
set hilite of cd btn 1 to false
set visible of cd grc"te1" to false
if a=250 then put "calotta boreale illuminata" into cd fld"testo"
if a=250 then move cd grc"te2" to 206+seno,138+coseno
if a=250 then set visible of cd grc"te2" to true
if a=250 then set hilite of cd btn 2 to true
if a=250 then wait pausa
put "" into cd fld "testo"
set visible of cd grc"te2" to false
set hilite of cd btn 2 to false
if a=270 then put "terra in afelio 2/7" into cd fld"testo"
if a=270 then wait pausa
put "" into cd fld "testo"
if a=370 then put"circolo illuminazione passa per poli" into cd fld"testo"
if a=370 then move cd grc"te1" to 206+seno,138+coseno
if a=370 then set visible of cd grc"te1" to true
if a=370 then set hilite of cd btn 3 to true
if a=370 then wait pausa
put "" into cd fld "testo"
set visible of cd grc"te1" to false
set hilite of cd btn 3 to false
if a=440 then put"calotta australe illuminata" into cd fld "testo"
if a=440 then move cd grc"te2" to 206+seno,138+coseno
if a=440 then set visible of cd grc"te2" to true
if a=440 then set hilite of cd btn 4 to true
if a=440 then wait pausa
put "" into cd fld "testo"
set visible of cd grc"te2" to false
set hilite of cd btn 4 to false
if a=450 then put "terra in perielio 2/1" into cd fld "testo"
if a=450 then wait pausa
put "" into cd fld "testo"  
end repeat
end mousedown

con hyepercard attivo il disegno risulta animato( la terra si muove e appaiono messaggi)